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A volunteer opportunity--The R.C. of Industrial Parks is holding their annual pancake breakfast on August 2 starting at 4-30 am. Volunteers are needed. Please let Jeff know if you can assist.
The annual Lyle Piett Memorial Golf Tournament is being held on July 7. See the latest email from John Van Koll for information. There will be a silent auction. Prizes are needed. Contact Allen Hillsden if you can donate a prize.
Following President Jeff welcoming us to the last meeting of the Rotary year and providing the Land Acknowledgement, Ann Grahame introduced guest speaker, Nora Yeates. Nora is the CEO of a new charity established in 2019 -- The Cancer Foundation of Saskatchewan. Nora is a member of the R.C. of Regina Oskaya. She has been employed with the charitable sector for a number years including the Canadian Cancer Society. From there Nora, with her marketing and analytical skills, has worked with the Hospitals of Regina Foundation and the University of Regina. Since its beginning Nora has been the CEO of the Cancer Foundation of Saskatchewan. .
The Cancer Foundation of Saskatchewan is the fundraising partner of the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency.. For many years, the Agency accepted donations from generous donors. The development of an arms-length foundation in 2019 allows the Agency to focus on their mandate of taking care of cancer patients.
Every dollar donated to the Foundation is used to enhance cancer care for the people and communities of Saskatchewan.
Donations to the Foundation help support the work of the Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, including the following facilities and programs:
The Saskatoon Cancer Centre and the Allan Blair Cancer Centre in Regina
Cancer Patient Lodges in Regina and Saskatoon, providing a home away from home for rural patients and their companion
Community Oncology Program of Saskatchewan, providing chemotherapy treatments alongside our healthcare partners in 16 rural locations, keeping care closer to home
Screening programs for breast, cervical and colorectal cancers, including a mobile unit that provides mammograms to women in rural and northern Saskatchewan
Cancer research both laboratory and clinical, including clinical trials
And so much more in support of the 1.17 million people living in Saskatchewan
Donations help ensure that Saskatchewan cancer patients have access to the latest technology, innovative treatments and compassionate care to provide the best possible outcome through their cancer journey. Currently the Foundation has raised nearly enough funds to purchase a new breast screening bus to bring this service to the women of rural and northern Saskatchewan. The old bus has put on many kilometers and is 20 years old. This year 760 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. The new bus will provide new technology and comfort to the staff and patients as well as mechanical reliability. While this screening is provided to women 50 years and older, discussion is underway to lower the age to 40. As Nora says "screening saves lives". Thank you Nora for enlightening us on the work of the Cancer Foundation. Thank you for your commitment and enthusiasm for the tasks ahead for the good of the women of our province.
Nora Yeates, CEO of the Cancer Foundation of Saskatchewan
The Mission of this new charity is 'to raise funds to support the cancer care needs of the people of Saskatchewan'. Their Vision is 'a cancer free Saskatchewan.' We wish you success, Nora, as you move the Foundation forward.
Allen Hillsden presenting Clarence Krause with a 40 year pin in honour of his service with the Rotary Club of Regina Eastview. Well done Clarence. Thank you for all you have done for Eastview.
The Business of Eastview
The Bylaws 2017 of the R.C. of Regina Eastview, for a number of months have been under review. An update was presented today and following circulation of this update the Bylaws were approved as presented on a motion by J. Alexander/E. Amadasun. The motion was carried. It is important to note that Jeff spent considerable time considering changes as he outlined below:
is consistent with the required Rotary Constitution and RI rules;
provides flexibility for the Club to operate more nimbly on a year-to-year basis as priorities change;
follows the structure of a typical Rotary Club to the degree necessary, but can accommodate a "portfolio" approach, rather than strict delineation of director duties; and
makes it a bit easier to adjust our meeting schedule to accommodate such things as joint meetings with Regina Club (or any other club) and different ways of having a meeting (including social events).
The slate of officers for the coming year was presented to the membership. On a motion put forward by Ann Grahame/Sam Berg the slate was approved as presented. Carried. They are as follows:
President - Al Hoeft
Past President - Jeff Barber
Treasurer - Shannon Windrim
Secretary - Allen Hillsden
Director - Jeanne Alexander
Director - Pat Dell
Director - John Van Koll
Director - Gail Bradley
There were no further nominations. It was noted that Community Services, International Services and Youth Services Committee will serve under a director to be decided. Jeff noted the following in his earlier e-mail message to members: this slate assumes the flexibility provided in the bylaws so Directors will operate more under portfolios than the former pre-designated roles/committees that Directors used to have. This slate reflects a starting point but the new Board can discuss and assign as they need to. That said, there remain vacancies that can be filled or as we get into the new Rotary year.
The Budget: Annual dues have been set at $200. This document was distributed previously by email. It was accepted by consensus as distributed. Thanks to Doreen and Shannon for their work on the budget.
The Family of Rotary
Gary noted that today is his 40th anniversary in Rotary and with perfect attendance. Congratulations!
Bob Durston from the R.C. of Neepawa noted that the R.C. of Minnedosa closed this week. It was chartered in 1943--80 years ago. Sadly this is happening in many areas of the country.
Doug Mortin noted that so far 8 bikers are registered for the Floyd Manz Memorial Bike Ride to raise funds for the Children of Guatemala. 2 riders will join the group from Sioux-Lookout, Ontario. This ride happens on July 22. Many thousands of dollars have been raised in the past for this worthy cause.
Ann Grahame noted that she and others protested the changes to the Life Long Learning Center where classes will no longer be offered. Only free noon hour forums will be continued.
This was President Jeff's last meeting of the Rotary year. Thank you Jeff for your commitment and dedication to forging a somewhat revised path for Eastview. It has taken much of your time in addition to your busy professional life.
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Closing message from Jennifer Jones at the Melbourne R.I. Conference--"We don't imagine yesterday — and we also don't look for hope in past actions," Jones said. "'Hope' and 'imagine' are words for tomorrow — words that propel us forward. They build upon each other and offer a path forward. A path of continuity."
"Imagine Rotary" and the work of the first female RI president will stay with us in the years to come."