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on the right side (where it used to be).
March Is Water and Sanitation Month in Rotary;
March 4th - 12 Noon Joint Rotary Mtg. at the Delta;
March 14th - Next Regina Eastview ZOOM Mtg
March 22 – Is World Water Day;
April 19, 2024 Rotary Club of Estevan 100th Anniversary;
May 10 and 11, 2024 Rotary District 5550 Conference in Moose Jaw - please visit this link to register:;
Volunteer Opportunity - Regina Music Festival is looking for volunteers. Please contact Volunteer Coordinator, Susan Nurse (306) 536-0618.
Scheduling is for the 34 Sessions: morning, afternoon, eveningfrom 5th April through the 28th April, 2024 which take place at: i) Conservatory – on College Avenue;ii) Christ Lutheran Church (for the choirs); and, iii) “administrative tasks” - thank you for stepping up.
President Al Hoeft called the meeting to order at 12:04 and welcomed members and Guests to our regular ZOOM meeting. Following our Land Acknowledgement we learned our Guest Speaker would be ZOOM-ing in at 12:30, so President Al used the early part of our time to get an important Rotary Foundation Minute which will be circulated to members separately.
Jeanne Alexander was called on to introduce Guest Speaker Alice Samkoe, who is a retired Adult Educator who believes in lifelong learning. After retiring, Alice became certified as a yoga instructor and a Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation fitness leader. She has found purpose in working with the Age-Friendly Regina Steering Committee, Patient Family Partners for the Saskatchewan Health Authority (SHA) as well as being a member of the CIHR Institute of Aging Older Adult Advisory Council and a simulated patient for the College of Medicine. Alice loves to travel, bike and kayak in the summer, and visit her four children and seven grandchildren throughout the year. Alice came to tell us about Age Friendly Regina and the important role they play in our community. Here is some of what we learned.
Age Friendly Regina is a community organization which is, "Using the 'lens' and life experiences of older adults to make communities friendly for all ages”. It is an International initiative launched by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2006. As a result of research in 33 cities, they identified what would define an "Age-friendly community" which were categorized into 8 "Domains", which affect the quality of life for those living in a community. These included: i) Community and Health Care; ii) Transportation; iii) Housing; iv) Civic Participations and Employment; v) Outdoor spaces and Buildings; vi) Respect and Social Inclusion;’ vii) Social participation; and, viii) Communication and Information. Alice noted that in Canada all Territories and Provinces with the exception of Saskatchewan bought into the value of Age Friendly Communities. However, in our province the Saskatchewan Senior Mechanism (SSM) stepped up and launched a program in 2016 and 15 communities came on the journey. These 15 communities represented over 50% of the province's population.
Regina established a Committee in 2018 and undertook a survey in 2019, which basically asked the question, "How friendly is your neighbourhood"? From this initiative Regina's 1st Action Plan was created and included development of a Guide of "Age Well" services. The City endorsed Age Friendly (AF) plan and partnered with AFR in 2021, which was recognized by the Province in December 2022, which included an update of the first Guide of services - Aging-Well in Regina. Information generated at the time identified four areas of support were needed and had a familiar ring - i) Transportation Supports; ii) Housing Supports and Options,; iii) Mental Health and Well Being; and, iv) Crime Prevention and Safety.
The resulting guides were designed to walk people through various situations in a very informal way and point them toward the information that is most relevant to them. The AFR Organization has learned the Guide needs to be revised on a regular basis, every two years, because services change and some instances needs may change as well. You can find the Guide in all Regina Library sites, or you can search for “Age Friendly Regina”, , or use a QR code.
Through the SSM efforts, Age Friendly Regina Steering Committee was granted $15,000, which will be used to build a website for AF Regina which will facilitate the translation of the Aging-Well Guides. These Guides will be translated into the 4-5 most common languages spoken by immigrants in Regina. The remaining languages will use a computer translator application to provide the guides in the language of choice.
In response to the question, "How can people get involved?” this can be done in a couple of ways:
a) Join the Steering Committee which has monthly zoom meetings, and:
Help identify Age-Friendly related community needs
Form task groups to address specific focus areas
Work with the City and organizations to meet the AFR goal
Represent Age-Friendly Regina to other agencies
b) Become a Stakeholder
Groups or individuals that have an interest in promoting AFR principles
Provide suggestions and feedback on the AFR work
Help out on a specific project
Attend the semi-annual Stakeholders meetings and provide a voice.
Get additional Information at:
Thank you, Alice Samkoe, for your presentation and
significant leadership in Age Friendly Regina.
Guest Speaker Alice Samkoe
In response to the question, "How can people get involved?” this can be done in a couple of ways:
a) Join the Steering Committee which has monthly zoom meetings, and:
Help identify Age-Friendly related community needs
Form task groups to address specific focus area
Work with the City and organizations to meet the AFR goal
Represent Age-Friendly Regina to other agencies
b) Become a Stakeholder
Groups or individuals that have an interest in promoting AFR principles
Provide suggestions and feedback on the AFR work
Help out on a specific project
Attend the semi-annual Stakeholders meetings and provide a voice.
Get additional Information at:
Thank you, Alice, for your presentation and significant leadership in Age Friendly Regina.
The Family of Rotary
Members will recall last November 23rd Patti Petrucka, responsible for Ranch Ehrlo Society's Family Treatment Program introduced us to a range of programs which are structured on the belief that families function better when they are together. On that occasion Eastview’s Community Service Committee Chair, Sam Berg, presented Patti our Club’s $1,500.00 to give the 37 families participating in the Society's Family Treatment Program a little extra for their Christmas. At last Thursday’s meeting Sam Berg, displayed the calendar and key rings featuring art the young people at Ranch Ehrlo had created. They sent these items to Regina Eastview as a thank you for our Club’s donation at Christmas time:
Thank you Community Service for making a difference;
Leo & Helen Ell celebrated their 68th Wedding Anniversary sometime between today and the last time he ZOOMed into a Meeting.
Sam Berg Displaying the "Artful" Calendar
Created by Ranch Ehrlo Youth
It was great participative day at Rotary today as our Guest Speaker was not able to ZOOM in until 12;30 so President Al invited Happy dollars, and if this was not done voluntarily it was simply ordered and obeyed;
Doreen was delighted that she and Albert would be going to Cuba with friends;
Peter Peters was pleased with the influence his Mother had on Rabbit Lake's Doctor the evening/night he was born;
Gail, Bradley and Sam Berg appreciative of good health;
Toshi Shinmura was pleased that they would be visiting Japan in May after a 4 year absence;
Tania is happy to be going to Arizona for a time;
Vic Wiebe spoke of a move to Broadway Terrace;
Jeanne Alexander is pleased with the work of Seniors in reintroducing Classes for Seniors on College Avenue;
Clarence is pleased with the quality care he gets from Donelda and the excellent service they are able to receive from Home Care in Regina;
Al Hoeft is delighted their Winnipeg daughter is coming to Regina for the next week(s) - he and Karen will have to share their daughter with Brier Curling;
Ron Okumura was also excited about the Curling excitement in the city;
Ann Grahame told us of her sadness in losing a Colleague and supportive Office Nurse in the recent past as she remembers their "walk together";
Richard Taylor was happy about the good winter; and,
Eghosa Amadasun was happy to be alive;
Hey all, what a great way to make us all feel good;
Hope to see most of you At Rotary on Monday, until then have a wonderful weekend.
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"You've got to try your luck at least once a day because you could be going around lucky all day and not even know it." Jimmy Dean
(You may not have heard this recited, but it comes to you thanks to modern technology)
Today's guests
Our privilege to welcome Guest Speaker, Alice Samkoe, to our ZOOM meeting; and it is always nice to welcome Bob Durston from the Rotary Club of Neepawa. Thank you both for making Regina Eastview a part of your day.
Next Meeting Responsibilities
Next week we join the RC of Regina for the joint Rotary Club gathering in Monday, March 4 at the Delta at 12 noon.