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District Talk Show this evening - hope you registered;
February is Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution" in Rotary;
Feb. 9 - No Meeting in favor of February 11th & 12th Valentine GALA;
Feb 11 & 12 - Valentine GALA 2023;
Please use your Social Media Accounts to get out the GALA News - 3 simple steps:
Read it; "Like" it; Share it;
Get Silent Auction Items to Allen Hillsden quickly;
Dinner tickets must be purchased before 5:00 P.M. on February 8th
February 23, Rotary's 117th Birthday and it is also World Understanding and Peace Day;
May 11-14th 2023 ImaginAction District Conference 2023 registration is now open;
Please choose to join DG Fred Wright and Rotarians & Guests from around District 5550 in Saskatoon’s Travelodge Hotel and be part of the Imagining;
This will be the District’s 1st in-person conference in 4 years, and is billed as the “most unique conference,EVER” - sounds like we have to go - hope to see you there.
President Elect Al Hoeft was the man in charge, and got the "show on the road" at 12 noon. First, he shared our land acknowledgement, welcomed members and guests and introduced members who had responsibility for aspects of today's gathering, which are largely detailed in other parts of this weekly ROTOR. Acting President Al invited Peter Peters to introduce our Guest Speaker Kathy Skomar.
In his introduction Peter noted that Kathy is the Community Engagement Officer - Foundation with STARS, here in Regina. He indicated that she identifies herself a small town girl who grew up on a farm in Vonda east of Saskatoon. After graduation, she moved to Saskatoon and worked in the hospitality industry which eventually took her to Whistler, Vancouver and on to Cruise Ships. Kathy started working at STARS in Regina six months ago. According to Kathy this is a very fulfilling role, as she can see and hear all that STARS does within the province. She is a proud member of the STARS Community
Using power point slides and videos and focused commentary, Kathy Skomar took her audience on a memorable introduction to STARS service in Saskatchewan. STARS stands for Shock Trauma Air Rescue Service. We learned that Dr. Dwight Gregory Powell was the founder and CEO of STARS which was initially established in Calgary in 1985. It expanded to Edmonton in 1999 and in 2012 came to Saskatoon and Regina. In these 10 years over 9,300 missions to more than 500 Saskatchewan communities were realized; launched an educational unit to train rural health practitioners- a first in North America; piloting an air-to-ground Wi-Fi medial data transmission; began mass hemorrhage protocols; began serving patients across the province with new, state of the art Airbus H145 Helicopter; industry leader in equipping and training all our teams with pre-hospital ultrasound and other innovative diagnostic tools; isolette mounts of aircraft enables us to carry pediatric patients; partnered with communities to set up 26 fuel caches, extend their range across the province.
Funding for the STARS program is unique. The Program relies on the support of government to help keep them in flight. To keep the program on the cutting edge of critical medical care, STARS looks for support from the business community, individual donors and volunteers. Kathy indicated by supporting STARS, donors ride along with the crew on every mission. When you participate in there STARS Home Lottery you are touch patients directly - "your support saves lives". The helicopter is a flying ICU and is an Emergency Room in the air. All of their focus is on the patient, "It’s all about the Patient." - "Time is of the essence."
Thank you Kathy and Tammy for taking us into the STARS world.
STARS - you are a Star.
Kathy Skomar
"Today, over 70 million people are displaced as a result of conflict, violence, persecution, and human rights violations. Half of them are children.We refuse to accept conflict as a way of life. Rotary projects provide training that fosters understanding and provides communities with the skills to resolve conflicts.
As a humanitarian organization, peace is a cornerstone of our mission. We believe when people work to create peace in their communities, that change can have a global effect.
By carrying out service projects and supporting peace fellowships and scholarships, our members take action to address the underlying causes of conflict, including poverty, discrimination, ethnic tension, lack of access to education, and unequal distribution of resources.
Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month
Our commitment to peacebuilding today answers new challenges: how we can make the greatest possible impact and how we can achieve our vision of lasting change. We are approaching the concept of peace with greater cohesion and inclusivity, broadening the scope of what we mean by peacebuilding, and finding more ways for people to get involved.
Rotary creates environments where peace can happen.”
Last week President Jeff indicated after having presented Jean-Marc Nadeau with a Multiple Paul Harris Pin, he had a Multiple Paul Harris pin to give to himself. Our wise and humble President seemed uncertain how he could recognize and congratulate himself, shake his own right hand without embarrassing himself. A couple of PDG's chose to save our leader the embarrassment. PDG Doug Mortin with some well-chosen words on behalf of the Trustees of the Rotary Foundation presented President Jeff Barber with his Paul Harris Fellow plus 7 pin. Jeff's new pin features 2 rubies;
Congratulations, Jeff Barber, you make us all proud to be part of Regina Eastview;
To get more information on Paul Harris Fellow Recognition go to:
(L to R) Jeff Barber receives Multiple PHF Pin and Congratulations and Thanks from PDG Doug Mortin
Great to see President Elect Al Hoeft confidently step into filling in for President Jeff who was not seen at the meeting;
Also, it was neat to have relatively new member Eghosa Amadasun, grab hold of the Sergeant-At-Arms role, and without seeming hesitation fined all members who were not wearing their Rotary pin; members whose faces on the ZOOM monitor did not appear until after the clock struck 12 noon paid as did those who had not yet purchased their GALA Dinner meal found the cost of the meal just went up; There were members on the call who did not know Rotary's 4-Way Test consists of 24 words and were fined; and, as a collective group we were able to list at least most of the charities Eastview supports; Happy dollars came from Peter Peters who brought warm Greetings from Past District Governor Pat Chernesky; Ann Grahame brought greetings from former member Ken Poon who is going on an Alaskan Cruise; Al Hoeft indicated candidates have been selected for the national Honouring Indigenous Peoples "Y2Y" (Youth to Youth) program being hosted by District 5550. 25 indigenous youth and 25 non-indigenous Youth from across Canada meet to continue the next generation's conversation toward reconciliation. The Human Rights Museum is part of the experience, but will also include opportunity to participate in cultural experiences, ceremonies, etc. As the host district we have the privilege of sending 10 of the students to the event;
"Tip of the Hat" to Eghosa who, as a new member, has successfully demonstrated that he has the required skill on, "How to extract money from fellow Rotarians, while smiling all the while";
Richard Taylor found wisdom for the day which encouraged us to smile and be kind - well done;
Let us all have a fantastic pre-Valentine GALA week which will make the GALA Weekend a smashing success!
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