Sept. 24 - 4:00 P.M. -.A in A Planning Committee ZOOM Meeting;
Sept. 26 - Joint In-Person Rotary Luncheon at the Delta hosted by Regina Eastview;
Sept. 24 - 5:15 P.M. Club Directors ZOOM Meeting;
Sept. 27th.CMHA COBS Bread Pick-up - Peter P;
Sept. 29 - 4:00 P.M. Past Presidents Picnic at Jack and Trish Wozniak's Ponderosa;
Oct. 29 World Polio Day Celebration Fund Raiser. We have all received the World Polio Day Poster, and Toshi Shinmura is heading up ticket sales. We will hear more on this event from Toshi next Thursday at our in-person meeting.
President Al welcomed the gathered Regina Eastview members and friends to a virtual ZOOM gathering, from a comfortable Salvation Army office in Toronto. In his usual call to order format the president reminded us that we are all Treaty people and shared with us the Land Acknowledgement statement. He went on to tell us that on Sunday was the 150th Anniversary of the signing of Treaty 4, he spent the day in Fort Qu'Appelle, the site of the original Treaty signing and participated in the Powwow and its dance.
Today we got to hear from 2 Grade 11 students who each participated in a Rotary hosted Youth Programs. Finn, is a Grade 11 student at O'Neill Catholic High School and attended RYLA in August. Emrys is a Grade 11 student at Luther College High School who participated in Adventures in Citizenship. The students were introduced by Becky Bernhardt, Graduate Outreach Coordinator at Mother Teresa Middle School. This is a glimpse of what these young ladies experienced.
Finn attended the RYLA at the Anglican Memorial Camp in the Riding Mountain national Park in Manitoba. She told us how scared she was upon arrival in this strange place not knowing anyone, but the ‘I am alone and scared’, soon evaporated as this group of strangers were divided into teams and became part of Team Pink. In a short time, Finn said she ‘loved them all’. RYLA’s theme was The Magic of Rotary and each Team was required to search and establish an idea about how they could raise money for an imagined project. Finn showed a photo of all the attendees in the ShelterBox tent and the important information she gained about ShelterBox work around the world. She experienced wonderful camp activities like making TikTok videos, and she took part in a talent show where she was able to ‘show off’ her Metis jigging skills. Highlights – making Music Videos, Late Night Challenge, Campfire Time, The Dance, Talent show, The Amazing Race, and, even the sad and emotional leaving from the RYLA site. One long great wonderful highlight.
Emrys participated in the Adventures In Citizenship (AIC) hosted by the Rotary Club of Ottawa in Canada’s Capital. It was all a learning experience starting off with a flight to Ottawa via Calgary. Highlight was that she met 2 students at the Calgary Airport, who were also off to AIC which was a good beginning. On arrival in Ottawa they were taken by bus to the Dormitory where they were staying and received an initial overview to the program. On day 1 they had a number of speakers and visited the Canadian War Museum which she found most interesting. Then off to a Quebec Sugar Shack.
On Day 2 was a great time as they visited the Parliament Buildings and listened to speakers and participated in discussions about the meaning of citizenship and in the evening was a highlight talent show. Day 3 included an array of speakers which included Dianne Corbiere who was with Treaty and Aboriginal Rights which Emrys identified as an important learning experience for she heard about Canada’s history from an Aboriginal perspective. Day 4 was going home day but included the opportunity to witness a Citizenship Ceremony.
Emrys appreciated this component because some years earlier she and her family members had the privilege of being welcomed to Canada through a ceremony of this nature.
Both Students expressed their appreciation for this opportunity and thanked Rotary for being selected as a participants.
Thank you, Finn, Emrys and Becky, for sharing a portion of your day with Rotary.
Speaking of Youth Programs Let us Think About ROTARACT
Each year on 21 September, the Rotary community joins with peace advocates around the world to recognize the United Nations International Day of Peace. This year’s theme, Cultivating a Culture of Peace, underscores the global need to promote mutual understanding, goodwill, and peace within our communities — the cornerstone of Rotary’s mission.
Rotary & International Day of Peace
Rotary clubs and districts carry out sustainable projects to bring positive, lasting change to communities locally and globally. Through our area of focus to promote peace, we take a holistic approach to address the underlying causes of conflict and build more peaceful societies. To support this goal, we provide education, training, and capacity building to professionals and young leaders to help them understand how to successfully prevent and resolve conflict through Rotary Peace Fellowships, and we train Rotary members and participants in Positive Peace.
Congratulations to Leo Ell and John Van Koll who claim Sept 18 as their day of Birth - the McNamara's will be celebrating Greg's Birthday next week - you will all be recognized in song at our in-person meeting next week;
Peace Pole Picnic (PPP) – September 11, 2024 doubling as an opportunity to visit with, and hear from District Governor Peter Tonge, who is with the RC of Winnipeg Charleswood;
This served as DG Peter's opportunity to interact with Regina Rotary Clubs in a social setting;
The PPP is an appreciated all Clubs Social event in Rotary Park, where in this instance, the Rotary Club of Regina were the food preparers while, members of the other Rotary Clubs socialized. A contingent of 'explorers', choice to set up the ShelterBox Tent (see left).. This task was surprisingly achieved in the absence of Ann Grahame, who was not feeling well. It was made possible because there were Team member(s) who claimed, 'tent setting up experience' and even chose to read the setting up instructions, and then providing direction and correction to the enthusiastic hands-on advocates - the always popular, ‘Let’s set this thing up’, crew. Great team building exercise, which later demonstrated ‘taking down is quicker than setting up’;
The Collection Box invitation raised something in excess to $400.00 for ShelterBox - thank you all.
DG Peter Tonge & President Al Hoeft
A shout out to Regina Eastview members for the important work you do at home and abroad in Basic Education and Literacy, one of Rotary's seven Area of Focus;
Jayna Amadasun shared the exciting news at last Wednesday's Club Day at the U of R Campus the three ladies generated considerable interest establishing a Rotaract Club - 20 persons signed up to be part of this 2024-2025 start-up initiative;
Gail Bradley Shared a 'Rotary Moment' and took us for a stroll through the structure of Rotary International and the Rotary Foundation. Her commentary provided us with a glimpse of the planning and work of Rotary starting at the grass root Club, to Districts, to Zones and beyond;
While a Club and District operation is minuscule compared to RI and TRF, the activity focus is not all that different except for size and scope;
Membership is key, operation and focus need to be monitored and adjusted, education and programs require continuing attention and areas of focus and signature projects receiving the highest and consistent attention;
World understanding and peace are foundational at every Level of Rotary structure might well have been a part of the conversation when those 4 gentlemen met in 1905;
Gail concluded her preserntatio0n by noting our Club's giving to The Rotary Foundation in the 1st 2 months of this Rotary year consists of $1,159 to the Annual Program Fund plus $72 to PolioPlus;
And according to TRF Regina Eastview currently has 33 members;
Thank you, Gail, for this important moment.
Wishing you all a great rest of September.
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“Sooner or later, those who win are those who think they can.” Paul Tournier
Today's guests
We were pleased to welcome to our meeting, Rotarian Bob Durston (Neepawa) and Judith Egheoma from the Country of Camaroon in Africa. Youth program speakers Finn, who attended RYLA and Emrys who attended Adventures in Citizenship in Ottawa, along with Becky Bernhardt, . Thank you for contributing toward the goodness of this day.