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    There were a host of "Highlights" associated with this Event. It was an evening of fellowship, fun and food, sprinkled with some appreciated business including the New Member Induction and the recognition of member accomplishments. We gathered in a comfortable side room at the Copper Kettle on Scarth Street in Regina, for dinner and the opportunity to enjoy one another’s company.  In welcoming the 27 attendees, President Al Hoeft noted there were a number of visitors in our midst and we were all invited to introduce ourselves and our partners and indicate how long we were attached to Regina Eastview. As is often the case in a free and democratic society, the confines of created protocol cause some to wander a bit from these established constraints and we shared more broadly.
    Knowing who was in the room set the stage, and served as a foundation for a good event. Not infrequently a Club meeting is blessed with visiting Rotarians from around anywhere in the world, and so it was today. From a member of the RC of Calgary West, to former members of the RC of Fort Qu'Appelle, to two Rotarians from Nigeria, to a Rotaractor (originally from Bangladesh) a member of the recently created Rotaract Club of the University of Regina, to a former Eastviewian and to Eastview members who brought their partners, this was truely an international Rotary experience..
    Highlight # 1 - Induction of New Member Kirk Norine, who has hovered around Regina Eastview from early summer 2024, and today the 'stars lined up'. President Al might be big some days, not at this moment. Member Inductions are special in that they remind each of us of the privilege and responsibility of membership on this business of "doing good in the world". Once gifted with the Rotary Pin, Name tag, a framed copy of the Four Way Test, and Object of Rotary, all attendees were invited to step forward and extend to Kirk the Rotary hand of Friendship. Kirk was loaned the Classification of Appraiser. Please introduce yourself to Kirk.
(L to R) Director of Membership John Van Koll, President Al Hoeft,
New Rotarian Kirk Norine
Highlight #2 - We were delighted to have Laurie Hutchison at this Fellowship event as this gave President Al an opportunity, on behalf of the Club to acknowledge Laurie’s 5 years of membership in Regina Eastview and service as a Rotarian. Congratulations, Laurie
Laurie Hutchison Receives a Pin Recognizing 5 Years of Service Through Rotary from President Al Hoeft
Highlight #3 – PDG Peter Neufeldt was called to our “podium-less” (appropriate for a Fellowship event) stage and recognized for his consistent and appreciated monthly contributions to The Rotary Foundation (TRF). On  behalf of Rotary International and TRF, President Al presented Peter with a Rotary pin featuring 5 sapphires, indicating he has become a Paul Harris Fellow plus 5 (PHF + 5). A PHF is a person, who has contributed, or on whose behalf $1000.00 (USD) was contributed to TRF, is recognized as a PHF. Congratulations, Peter and Janet for your significant support of Rotary’s (our) Foundation - you make us proud!
If you want to know more about becoming a PHF, please talk to Peter or Gail Bradley, our Club’s Rotary Foundation Director.
President Al Hoeft Presented
PDG Peter Neufeldt with a PHF + 5
  • Feb. 3 - In-person Rotary Luncheon at the Delta – Hosted by the Regina Club - Guest Speaker - John Bailey, CEO Regina Food Bank;
  • Feb 8 – No Regina Eastview meeting – we were at the Regina Club on Monday;
  • Feb. 13 Regina Eastview ZOOM Meeting at 12 noon;
  • Feb. 20 - In-person Rotary Luncheon at the Delta – Hosted by Regina Eastview;
  • Feb. 27 – Fellowship Meeting – watch for details;
  • Hope to see you Monday;
  • Dress warm today!
In the centre of this photo is Tania, talking to Mohammed across the table, and to his right are two un-named
NigerianRotarians (my oversight), who have
previously visited our Club. Their identity
shall be un-earthed and published with
my apologies (PHP today's editor).
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Philosopher's Corner

"To me Rotary has been something of an experimental laboratory. I have never been able to qualify as a prophet. Some of my most cherished dreams have faded away, while some of my least valued conceptions have gained vigor with the passage of time."
Paul Harris  in The ROTARIAN February 1924

special guests

Special Guests included a number of member partners which is always appreciated. We had new member Kirk Norine, Visiting Rotarian Bill Fitzsimmons (RC Calgary West); Rotarian friends Bill and Jacqueline Carter from Fort Qu'Appelle, former member Laurel Mattison, guest of Ann Grahame, Rotaractor Mohammed from the U of R, and two Rotarians from Nigeria, whose names are apologetically not available at this time but are being located.

Next Meeting Responsibilities

See you at the RC of Regina Meeting at the Delta on Monday Feb. 2, 2025
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