

This Rotor can also be found on the FRONT PAGE OF OUR WEBSITE,
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  • June is Rotary Fellowships Month!  Learn more about Rotary’s more than 100 Fellowships and the activities they undertake. Email if you have an idea for a new Fellowship you don’t see listed;
  • June 29, is Eastview's final ZOOM meeting for this Rotary year, will feature Nora Yeates, CEO Cancer Foundation of Saskatchewan - please join for this gathering as we say "THANK You" to President Jeff for his Leadership year;
  • July 7 - our 1st 2023-2024 meeting will be at Tor Hill Golf Course where the Golfers will be Golfing and the non-golfers show up for Dinner - check your In-Box for a message from John Van Koll with all the details - including registration; 
  • July 10 is our next Joint Meeting with the RC of Regina in Charge - Ian Yeates indicated it will be an outstanding meeting, but he is not able to share the details in the off chance it does not materialize (a learned leadership approach);
  • July 22nd the Mortin/ Neufeldt Duo are setting up for 3rd Annual Floyd Manz Memorial Motorcycle Ripple Effect Fund Raiser - by supporting Peter and Doug in this ride you are helping children in Guatemala and in that way building up their communities;
  • August 2nd Pancake Breakfast, as Rotarians gather to help the RC of Regina Industrial Parks pull off this actual hands -on volunteer activity - Eastview members, please let President Jeff know if you are able to assist;
  • Sometime in August will be Peace Pole "re-planting", coinciding with Regina Rotarys Picnic in the Park - stay tuned for the date and time;
  • Some where in the coming 2 months will be Regina Eastview's "4 P" party (Past Presidents Pay Picnic".
  • Fun Summer - do enjoy its pleasant first few days.


    Today's In-person meeting saw a gathering of 30 plus people at the Delta, with a number of on-line attendees. Lunch was consumed before President Jeff gonged the bell and kicked the meeting into gear at 12:28 P.M. Following a rousing O Canada led by Allen Hillsden, the Club's Land Acknowledgement, Shreedhar Jachak's delivered Words of Wisdom, and the 50/50 draw "loser" identified President Jeff introduced Guest Speaker, John Robinson.
    From President Jeff we learned that John Robinson has been in the architectural design and drafting profession since 1977, after earning a diploma from SIAST. Working for various architectural firms, John has experience in single family, multi-family and commercial drawing production.
    John’s first love, has always been residential design. His enthusiasm and passion for good design is contagious.  To that end he, along with his wife Janet, incorporated Robinson Residential Design in 1996. John’s home plans have been built internationally, and he has thoroughly enjoyed working with these clients, many of whom have maintained connection over the years. As Principal Designer, John brings his expertise to the more complex projects as well as overseeing the design and creation of new house plans available on the website. His design projects have been featured on HGTV and several TV documentaries. John’s involvement with Habitat for Humanity has inspired his interest in affordable housing and has led to him overseeing and creating community through several 3-day builds based on the HFH model of the “blitz builds”.  John is usually very excited about his “best project ever” which is generally the plan in which he is currently involved.
    John Robinson began his presentation by telling us that his current excitement is in a 3-day build of a 1918 pioneer house he is leading in August. A crew of 18 persons, with tools and products available in 1918, will be used in make this 16 x 11 foot cabin "come alive". The "tiniest" house he has built is 160 sq. ft.
    Over the decades John has designed houses unique to each Province and Territory in Canada. People interested in these designs purchase the blueprints from John Robinson and then hire contractors to do the actual construction.
The New Brunswick tiny house is reflective of the maple syrup industry (I do not recall the connection). In any event the main floor was 416 sq. feet house which included the kitchen and living room area with a 100 sq. ft. bedroom accessible by a ladder which appeared to hang over the main floor.
    Nova Scotia's "Light House", tiny house is 3-stories and sits on a 17 foot square. The top floor is the living room and is windows all around. The 2nd floor is 2 bedrooms and the main floor is kitchen and dining area - total living area 675 sq. ft.
Alberta's 'Tiny house", is two story "A" frame, because Albertans like to know when they are home. This 600 sq. ft. home has used a central stairwell making the stairwell the hall way between the two levels.
    It will surprize many to know that Saskatchewan's "tiny house" is a country elevator, complete with the small elevator agent’s office which serves as a guest house. The 3 story elevator had “wee” walk outs on the top story. It was the largest of the tiny houses and had 1000 sq. ft. of space.
    John indicated that tiny houses tend to have electric baseboard heaters, with water heaters and laundry facilities hidden under stair wells. John admitted that "tiny houses" are not for everyone but they do have some marketability.
Thank you John Robinson for sharing your tiny house enthusiasm
with members of Rotary in Regina.
John Robinson
Robinson Residential Design

The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:

FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian's occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
The Object of Rotary
is sustained by
Fellowship & Food
THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian's personal, business, and community life;
FORTH: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service.
The Family of Rotary
Amrit Pal Singh, District 3080 assistant governor and Past President of the Rotary Club of Chandigarh, India, recently posted this "PEACE" initiative on his blog:
"I was thrilled recently to help coordinate a remarkable meeting between Rotary members in India and Pakistan that promoted peace and understanding between our two countries. On 4 March, more than 100 Rotary members, friends, and family from India and another 100-plus from Pakistan met together at a sacred site in Pakistan. The goodwill meeting sought to break down some of the historic barriers of animosity between our countries and unite us in the spirit of Rotary fellowship."
Rotarians from India and Pakistan exchange club banners during the visit to Kartarpur Sahib in Pakistan, a Sikh holy site.
  • A highlight for those who were able to gather at the Delta, was the Fellowship - a beloved aspect of Rotary and one of the most missed components during COVID - if able, do please come and join the in-person gatherings, it will remind you of former days;
  • President Jeff reviewed the financial statement and learned we aren't that bad off so there was no Sergeant-At-Arms today - was that a, "Jeff, for President" whisper in the room?
  • Eastview had a couple of Birthdays this week but they were not in attendance and were not identified - however, Ian Yeates noted that Regina Club's Wayne Lorch will be celebrate a Birthday on June 24 - Wayne was "sung too" and it was so good, he was seen dabbing tears from his eyes;
  • Carole Bryant's 50/50 ticket was drawn and she  stepped forward with confidence knowing the millions would soon be hers - that may be so, but will have to happen another day - it was not today;
  • Hope to see everyone next week on ZOOM, in the meantime have a wonderful safe week.
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Philosopher's Corner

"Stand through life firm as a rock in the sea, undisturbed and unmoved by its ever rising waves"
                Hazrat Inayat Khan

Today's guests

Delighted to have Guest Speaker John Robinson at our in-person meeting, and equally pleased to have Bob Durston join us by ZOOM. Bob is like a full time member,, he happily pays his membership fees to the Rotary Club of Neepawa. Thank you, Bob.

Next Meeting Responsibilities

Host: Hans Gaastra
Moderator: President
                   Jeff Barber
Jun 22, 2023 12:00 PM
Tiny Houses
Jun 29, 2023 12:00 PM
Saskatchewan Cancer Foundation - Breast Cancer Screening Bus
Jul 06, 2023
View entire list
Board of Directors Meeting
Jul 13, 2023 5:15 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
Aug 10, 2023 5:15 PM
View entire list
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For New Members
andesh M. Kaddi, of the Rotary Club of Belgaum, India, is a member of the Rotary International Fellowship of Kites, a global community of kite enthusiasts.
 Question - Have you considered Kite Building as a Fellowship opportunity?? Or is there something else?
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