

This Rotor can also be found on the FRONT PAGE OF OUR WEBSITE,
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  • Remember, May is Youth Services Month in Rotary - think Interact (below)
  • June 5, 2023 next Joint in-person meeting hosted by the Rotary Club of Regina - the program provided by the Regina Police Service will focus on "Artificial Intelligence Fraud";
  • June 16, 2023 Eastview's Change-over meeting at the Royal Regina Golf Club - 6:00 p.m. Reception6:30 p.m. Dinner - Tickets $65.00 - Call Gail Bradley to Register;
  • July 7, 2023 - Regina Eastview's Lyle Piett Memorial Golf Tournament at TOR  HILL - Call is out for Silent Auction Prizes, Volunteers, Hole Sponsors - Can you help?;
  • August 2, 2023 Industrial Parks Annual "Buffalo Days" Pancake Breakfast - Volunteers are required - it's an early morning thing so it will not muck up your day. - President Jeff is looking for a Volunteer to serve as a liaison with Industrial Parks - a great "service" opportunity;
  • November 22 to 25, 2023 Adventures in Agriculture will be restarting after a 3 year shutdown due to COVID - will require membership support and volunteering opportunities galore - please be ready to assist Jack Wozniak and Al Hoeft make this a great "A in A" celebration.



    At 12 Noon, President Jeff Barber encouraged the in-person attendees to go to the buffet for their dinner and at 12:20 Allen Hillsden was invited to lead in O' Canada which was followed by the Club's Land Acknowledgement and the singing of Happy Birthday to the Celebrants. As today's meeting was focused on District 5550's International Service Project, the Ripple Effect Program, President Jeff called on PDG Peter Peters to introduce Program and provide some information on its development.
    Peter spoke about the dream shared by a Canadian and his Guatemalan friend, which, with the enthusiasm of a Sunday School class in Winnipeg's St. Andrews Church, and the Rotary Club of Winnipeg West which "rippled" to a "dream come true" - a program of good. From a school building to more school buildings; to student and teach scholarship programs; to the installation of Computer labs; to WASH in School projects where the connection is made between water, sanitation and hygiene, in ways that change a community's culture and outlook.
Because this is a District Program, it is important for the Canadian Ripple Effect Committee recognize support received from District Rotary Clubs, Peter called on PDG Peter Neufeldt to celebrate 3 Regina Clubs who have contributed to the Program's success (detailed in the Family of Rotary).
    Peter Neufeldt was invited to introduce Guest Speaker Diana Brown. Diana Brown is CEO of the Association of Private Schools in Guatemala; she represents the private education sector in the National Council for Education and is member of the directing committee. She represents private education in various institutions in Guatemala; she is a university professor, an international speaker and serves as an English-Spanish translator. She was Past President Club Rotario Guatemala Oeste, 2019-2020, and currently is Secretary of the Board of Directors of said Club.  She coordinates the Council of Guatemalan Rotary Presidents, Assistant Governors for Guatemala, and is District 4250 Secretary, and District Governor Nominee and will fulfill that role in 2025-2026.
    Using Power Point Slides, DG Nominee Diana began with this observation, "The Ripple Effect Program is not in our schools, it is in our lives". The Ripple Effect is the "continuing spreading of the results of an event or action - it is the situation where one event effects an ever expanding array of events. We learned that Guatemala is in Central America and has a population of 16.25 million and has accounted for 4 million students in school, but there are many students not accounted as they are indigenous communities where some 23 languages are spoken but only 2 have a written language, which means that Spanish is the language of schools which is good for the children in schools, but does not help the parents in their homes, so the need for education and commitment to education by parents is a difficult road.
    The Ripple Effect Program is held in high regard by the Department of Education in Guatemala. Each School Construction Project is approved by the Department of Education and annually the Guatemala Ripple Effect Committee provides a report on resulting activities. The Program is appreciated for its attention to new technologies and Computer labs are welcomed as are WASH in School projects. In all of these initiatives Teacher training is key because they too must be familiar with the technology and its application. The 30 Rotary Clubs in Guatemala are working hard to improve the situation in their respective communities. Word is Guatemala is responsible for 128 Rotary International Global Grants which is the largest from any country with the possible exception of India. Many of these are educational in nature.
    While COVID had a world-wide effect on school operation, as in every country, Guatemalan teachers and students learned to adapt to on line learning which had limited application in many rural communities.
    In concluding her presentation, Diana drew attention to the impact the Ripple Effect Program is having in Guatemala as Education and Literacy is a key link to each of Rotary’s 7 Areas of Focus and its 4 Avenues of Service. Education is key to a better world for all and it key to start with children in our communities.
Thank you, Diana Brown, for your inspiration!
Diana Brown of Guatemala
 Interact Through the Years
Since 1962, generations of young people have discovered the power of Service Above Self through Interact, all while having fun along the way. The first Interact Club was certified on 5 November 1962 at Melbourne High School, in Florida, USA. A year later, Interact numbered 177 clubs in 24 countries. Today, there are approximately 14,900 clubs in 145 countries.
A Smiling Interactor
The current generation of Interactors channel their enthusiasm and ideas into projects with remarkable impact.
As Rotary celebrates Youth Service Month in May, read about the past, present, and future of this dynamic leadership and service program for teens.
(Prepare to be inspired)
The Family of Rotary
  • Clarence Krause was recognized today for his 40 years of Service through Rotary
  • In keeping with the Anniversary theme, Regina Club President Ian Yeates congratulated Doug Keam for 38 years in Rotary;
  • CONGRATULATIONS, Clarence and Doug for your years of dedication to the theme of Service Above Self and making a difference each day in the lives of our neighbours;
  • Because today our meeting focused on District 5550's Ripple Effect Program, it was an opportunity to present Certificates of Appreciation to 3 Regina Rotary Clubs who contributed financially to the Ripple Effect Program in three years prior to Fred Wright's 2019-2020 DG year. On behalf of PDG (and also current DG) Fred Wright, PDG Peter Neufeldt presented Certificates of Appreciation to Regina Club President Ian Yeates; Industrial Parks President, Jerry Boulanger, and Eastview President Jeff Barber;
  • Congratulations to all three Clubs for their appreciated involvement and contributi0on to the success of the Riupple Effect Program;
  • The Rotary Club of Regina South would also have received a Certificate of Appreciation in May of 2020, but in the interceeding years, the Regina South Club elected to  close the Club and return their Charter to Rotary International.
(L to R) Peter Neufeldt, Jeff Barber, Ian Yeates
and Jerry Boulanger
  • Pat Dell happily assumed the role of Sergeant-At-Arms and immediately picked on the President and leveled a fine for a perceived indiscretion', because as Sergeant it seems one has "this freedom;
  • What happened on May 25, 1935 in Major Baseball in the USA - seems no one knew it was Babe Ruth's last home Run and on this day in 1977 was the showing of the first Star Wars Movie ,- no one knew that either;
  • Next Sergeant Pat fished for Happy Dollars always a good source of funding, as it was today - President Jeff is happy the Library will be moving into temporary space so that in due course the current site can be made ready for a replacement , oh and his daughter's temporary teaching job has been extended for a further 6 months - Joy jn the Barber home; Ian Toms told us that his wife Leslie ran in a road race competition and was the winner in her age bracket - he wisely withheld the "bracket"; Ann Grahame was excited about restarting the Adventure in Agriculture Program; I think, Gary Carlson was looking forward to celebrating with the quadruplets in the family; Clarence Krause appeared delighted to tell us that his most recent surgical intervention in Hospital only  kept him away from home for 32 hours; Jeanne Alexander reminded us that the Cathedral Arts Festival is on this weekend and Government House has a booth and everyone is invited to stop by; and, Stewart Graham, on ZOOM told us they welcomed their 4th Great Grandson - Stewart's joy kept growing  because his fellow Rotarian George, paid the Happy Dollar;
  • Thank you all for making this a great Rotary day;
  • Have safe fulfilling days as we race toward the beginning of summer.
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Philosopher's Corner

“We can cure diseases with medicine, but the only cure for loneliness, despair and hopelessness is love. There are many in the world who are dying for a piece of bread, but there are many more dying for a little love.”
                         Mother Teresa

Today's guests

We were delighted to welcome as in-person guests, Jerry Boulanger, from the RC of Regina Industrial Parks, and former Eastview member Paul Daba; and, were equally pleased to have join us by ZOOM, Rotarians Bob Durston (Neepawa), Marian Kettlewell and Glenn Hagel Moose Jaw Wakamow, with an extra special welcome to Guest Speaker Diana Brown from the Rotary Club of Guatemala Oeste, a member of the Guatemala Ripple Effect Committee.

Next Meeting Responsibilities

Host: Hans Gaastra
President Jeff Barber
May 25, 2023 12:00 PM
Ripple Effect - Guatemala
Jun 01, 2023 12:00 PM
Jun 05, 2023 12:00 PM
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Board of Directors Meeting
Jun 08, 2023 5:15 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
Jul 13, 2023 5:15 PM
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President Elect Al Hoeft
today announced that Regina Eastview's Adventures in Agriculture Program is being re-introduced to Rotary Clubs in Western Canada after a 3 season hiatus due to COVID. It will be wonderful to again highlight the importance of Agriculture in todays world.
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