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In July, Rotary celebrates Maternal and Child Health Month;
July 27th Joint In-Person Meeting at the Delta with the RC of Regina - come and enjoy the fellowship;
Guest speaker at our Joint Meeting is Abuk Duang, Regina Eastview's participant in the 2023 Adventures in Citizenship Program, hosted by the Rotary Club of Ottawa.
August 2nd - Rotary Clubs Pancake Breakfast at Gaebel’s Brew House. Parking Lot - 300 MacDonald Street;
If you haven't already advised Jeff Barber of your commitment to volunteer, let him know today:
Volunteer opportunities are between the hours of 4;30 A.M. and 10:00 A.M. - call early for best times;
Rotary Peace Pole "planting" in Rotary Park is being planned for early August - volunteer assistant required - call Jeff Barber to explore opportunity;
RYLA driver dates needed - August 7 and 12 -- a driver is needed for August 7 to get participants from Regina to Anglican Memorial Camp and on August 12 to get the students from the Camp back to Regina Please contact Jeff Barber if you can help;
August 29th - Dedication of the Peace Pole and the Annual Rotary Clubs of Regina Picnic in Rotary Park.
Immediate Past President Jeff Barber filled in for President Al Hoeft, who was officiating at a funeral. Jeff called the meeting to, order at 12:04 and welcomed members and guests to Regina Eastview's first meeting of the new Rotary year. After dealing with important aspects of today’s time together, Acting President Jeff introduced the Program which he indicated would consist of 3 persons who recently joined our Club to provide a glimpse of, "This is My Life".
This opportunity was extended to Oladayo Ajala, Jayna Amadasun and Richard Taylor, and this is some of what we learned from our fellow Rotarians.
Oladayo Ajala was born into a family of 5 children and has 2 brothers and 2 sisters in the City of Ibadan, Nigeria, which in 2021 is registered to 3.6 million people. His dad is now retired but was a High School Principal and his mother was a Civil Servant. He grew up in a time when play was "home-made" but over the years it became more sophisticated with the development of parks and the services which come with those developments. Education was important to the family and as a result he and his siblings are well educated. Oladayo graduated with a Civil Enginering Degree in 2006 and he gained experience first in Nigeria then in Qatar in the Middle East. In coming to Canada in 2019 he worked for QM Environmental and in 2022 for P.A. Pulp & Paper. Oladayo is married to a Nurse and they have 2 children - a 7 year old daughter and a 3 year old son. Oladayo was attracted to Rotary by extended family mentors and friends.
Jayna Amadasun used a unique approach and simply responded to questions of the gathered masses. She chose to join Rotary, because it was an opportunity to serve others, which is an embedded and appreciated life style. She is choosing this approach so that it will help her shape the next 50 years of her life. She realized there were Rotary Club options in Regina, but simply selected Eastview and has concluded this was the right choice. Jayna met her now husband years ago when she a nurse and Eghosa, a physician apparently bumped into each other in a hospital in Freeport, Bahamas - a "bumping" of which she has no memory, but Eghosa is able to describe in clear detail (the kind of thing one would expect of an observant physician). Another chance meeting some years later was more memorable and they were married in 2008. She is currently connected with Community Service in Eastview and will be able to expand her participation in the future. On coming to Canada they lived in Oxbow for 2 years before they moved to Regina 8 years ago and it has begun to feel like home.
Unlike Oladayo and Jayna, Richard Taylor was invited to join the Rotary Club of Regina North in 1984. The year before this happened he and his wife Judy made a decision to leave their Civil Servant careers and get into the Travel Agency business. The business obviously was the right move and so was joining Rotary as it opened a door into the Rotary Exchange Student area of service. This role and the association with Jim and Linda Semple provided the couples with inspiration to awaken anew the exchange opportunity for students through the Rotary Clubs in District 5550. Within a few years, the leadership Jim Semple provided to the one year Rotary Youth Exchange program and Richard's leading up the Short Term Rotary Youth programs, there were now up to 40 plus students enrolled in the program each year. On opening a Travel Agency in Estevan Richard was able to have that Club operate a Wilderness Canoe Camp in Northern Saskatchewan, which functioned for 10 years. It was closed because costs and particularly the challenge of insurance coverage. For a number of years the Taylors in their Travel business have shared their expertise and resources in directing a portion of their profit from sales to Rotarians to the Rotary Foundation Programming. Please talk to Richard if this is of interest to you.
Thank you Oladayo, Jayna and Richard for sharing your "Life" Story.
An appreciated Highlight program.
2023-2024 RI Theme
Maternal & Child Health Month
"In July, Rotary celebrates Maternal and Child Health Month. It is an opportunity to reflect on the current status of maternal and child health around the globe, how Rotary members contribute to addressing issues at the community level, and further take the steps to analyze our collective impacts on health systems.
According to the WHO, poor women in remote areas are the least likely to receive adequate health care. This trend holds true in both developed and developing countries. Low numbers of skilled healthcare professionals in these regions are major contributing factors to limited access to care. Human resources for healthcare remain a challenge, worsening since the COVID-19 pandemic.
July Maternal & Child Health Month
The data suggest that 99% of births are attended by a trained midwife, doctor, or nurse in most high-income and upper-middle-income countries. This figure drops to 78% in lower-middle-income countries and even further down to 68% in low-income countries where almost 95% of all maternal deaths occur."
The Family of Rotary
Last Friday Jeff Barber advised us of Rotarian Lorne White’s passing. Lorne was invited into Regina Eastview in 1971 and was President of our Club in 1981-82. The Theme selected by Stanley J McCaffrey President of RI that year was, World Understanding and Peace through Rotary. Back then Eastview sent our President Elect and his partner to the Rotary International Convention. Lorne and Dorothy White were sent to the Convention in San Paulo Brazil as an important step in preparation for his year as Eastview’s President. In the Club’s Member Profile Lorne said the following of that experience, “The privilege, and pleasure of being our Club’s 23rd President, with the opportunity to attend the RI Convention in San Paulo, Brazil, was an experience of a lifetime.” It was also an experience which contributed to Lorne’s commitment to Rotary. In subsequent years, Lorne held to the Theme of his year, to his consistent contribution to the community, to Eastview and Eastview’s place in District 5550 and beyond. When Lorne’s health and mobility restricted his attendance, the Club was delighted to present Lorne with Honorary Membership in Regina Eastview. It was a status he held in deep appreciation from August 7, 2016 until his passing.
It is an honor to have known and benefitted from Lorne White’s support and mentorship for over four decades. Rest well my friend.
Honourary Regina Eastview Rotarian Lorne White
proudly pictured with
Ron Okumura (L) and Greg McNamara (R)
President Al Hoeft was off fulfilling a critical Pastoral role and so we had the opportunity to welcome Past President Jeff Barber back to Eastview's podium of influence;
Aided by his recent year long experience the meeting went very well - although no "polls" were taken;
Richard Taylor was introduced as Sergeant and immediately fined the PP $2.00 because following his name on the screen, Jeff described himself further as "he/him";
Following Jeff's explanation, Sergeant Richard was a bit embarrassed but not to the extent of withdrawing the fine;
The Sergeant then asked, "What is in every Rotary magazine?"
Richard went on the explain that every wrong guess cost the "guesser" $2.00;
A few courageous members advanced a notion of what it could be and failed - when the less courageous chose not to guess, the Sergeant used his power as a dictator to fine each of the "non-guessers" $2.00 for not playing in the contest;
Hope to see many (or all) of you in-person next week - have a wonderful summer week.
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"You can't go back and change the beginning but you can start where you are and change the ending."
C.S. Lewis.
Today's guests
It was good to welcome Visiting Rotarians Bob Durston, RC of Neepawa and Doug Keam, RC of Regina to our first meeting of the 2023-2024 Rotary year. This sets the stage for a positive year.