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President Jeff announced that there will be a fellowship dinner on Friday, March 31, 2023 in lieu of a Thursday meeting that week. Further details on time and place to follow.
As of April 1 we will be meeting in other venues to be announced. Discussion is taking place regarding the possibility of holding occasional meetings with the Regina Club. More to follow....
Next week's speaker is Marie Powell.
A celebration of life for former member, Avril Jones, of the R.C. of Regina Oskaya, will be held Mar. 29 at 7pm.
Following a welcome from President Jeff and the land acknowledgement, Jeanne Alexander introduced guest speaker, John Robinson, architectural designer from Robinson Residential Designs. This business was formed in partnership with his wife, Janet, in 1996. John has been in this field since 1977 following completion of a SIAST diploma. John has experience in single family, multi-family, churches and commercial drawing production. John’s home plans have been built internationally and his complex drawings have been featured on television. A passion has been Habitat for Humanity.
John's is passionate about historic homes and spoke about having buildings declared heritage status. He showed pictures of some of the beautiful old buildings in our city--some being restored such as Darke Hall, others rehabilitated for a different purpose such as the Regina Casino, a former train station. Other buildings are preserved such as the Federal Building, which was repaired with no major changes.
Old buildings speak to our identity, bring value to our city and provide a tangible link to our past. The Saskatchewan Archives provides an incredible resource to all of us. John is usually very excited about his “best project ever” which is generally the plan he is currently involved with. Thank you John for speaking to us today. We appreciate hearing about your efforts to educate citizens about our beautiful buildings and for encouraging us to use 'our voices' to keep them and restore them.
The former Regina train station repurposed to the Regina Casino we have today
John Robinson, co-owner of Robinson Residential Designs. Neighbourhoods can make a designation however it can be complicated with zoning bylaws. It interested check out Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada.
John Robinson of Robinson Residential Designs
Wonderful news this week for the children of Guatemala. Thank you to the members of the International Services Committee, the R.C. of Regina Eastview, the Ripple Effect Program and more. From Peter Peters:Officals with the Rotary Clubs of Guatemala Oeste and Regina Eastview signed off on the Final Report for the Goal for Guate II Global Grant project. This $99,000.00 saw the installation of 17 computers into each of 20 schools, benefiting approximately 7,000 children. This action sends the Report to The Rotary Foundation for review and approval.
The Family of Rotary
President Jeff has a birthday very soon. Best wishes to you Jeff. Have a special day.
Eastview's contributions to the Rotary Foundation Annual Fund are at $4584, per capita amount to the Annual Fund is $109 and the total amount of giving this Rotary year so far is $5801. Where are we going? HIGHER I hope. Please remember the Foundation and the immense good they & we do in the world. Thank you everyone for your contributions so far.
President Jeff was acting Sergeant today. Fines were levied against everyone who did not have a Rotary pin on his / her being.
We were asked what is the topic at the City of Regina Council meeting next week. Peter Peters won the Rotobuck on this one--discussion on the next phase for the Regina Public Library.
Bob Durston suggested a Rotobuck for everyone who will pay taxes on a new library.
Happy bucks were requested from anyone who left Regina this winter--a variety of answers Jayna was happy to go to Ottawa to the International Wom)ens' Day celebrations but shivered in the cold; Peter Peters went to Davidson for Chinese food; Vic Wiebe went to Moose Jaw, Peter Neufeldt and Jeff went to Toronto (not together!). From Sam Berg--anyone who goes to Toronto in winter should receive Happy Bucks! We all have our opinions.
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