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February - Peacebuilding and Conflict Prevention/Resolution Month in Rotary;
Today at 5:15 P.M. Club Directors ZOOM Meeting - Directors are "Rotary ready";
Next week is an in-person meeting at the Delta Hotel, please come to the hotel if you are able - new member induction; member Anniversaries are "recognized" and "pinned"; no speaker; and includes quality fellowship;
Jeanne Alexander interviewed Ann Grahame on the ShelterBox response to the Feb. 6th Earthquake in Turkey and Syria on Jeanne's Toast n Coffee program. The program which aired on Monday, Feb 13 at 11 am CKTR 91.3 FM, is archived and available for a listen or re-listen;
Peter Neufeldt reported that a very successful AffinityCredit UnionValentine GALA was shared on Feb. 11 and 12 by 140 plus dinners sold - more detail in the Family of Rotary section of this ROTOR.
At 12:05 President Jeff Barber called the February 16th meeting of Regina Eastview to order, welcomed our 2 guests. Following our Land Acknowledgement, Sergeant-At-Arms Report and Words of Wisdom shared by Gail Bradley, President Jeff invited Jeanne Alexander to introduce Guest Speaker Nikki Langdon.
Jeanne suggested that as Niki was a former member of Regina Eastview she would need little introduction, other than to remind us Nikki Langdon is the Prairie Regional Manager of the Neil Squire Society, and Regina is her home.
Nikki told us that she has been with the Neil Squire Society in the current role for 20 years and during this time was a member of our Club but chose to step away because of challenges related to a chronic mental health condition. She spoke highly of her time in Rotary and did not exclude the opportunity that she might one day welcome a return to the supportive Rotary environment.
Nikki used a few Power Point Slides to introduce us to the Neil Squire Society, which began with being introduced to Neil Squire, a 21-year-old university student and basketball star at the University of Victoria, who while driving hit a stretch of black ice in 1980 and crashed. He had become a brain-stem tetraplegic (unable to move his legs or arms and unable to speak). An engineering cousin and engineering students and associates realized there was no devise in existence that would allow Neil to speak so they simply needed to put their engineering background to create such a devise. Through a "sip-and-puff machine using Morse code, the code appeared as letters on a computer screen. These letters formed Neil's words and thus began the link to technology for people with disabilities.
The Neil Squire Society is a Canadian national not-for-profit organization whose work is focused on four distinct areas: Innovation, Digital Literacy, Employment, and Assistive Technology.
Digital Literacy assists clients in creating a comfort level with technology, which can be provided in distance on line learning. There is also the Digital Jumpstart program where the client work one-on-one with an instructor in a virtual classroom from the comfort of their home.
Employment Programs helps people with disabilities prepare for, obtain and maintain employment. Job Focus is an employment service for persons with disabilities and workplace injuries. Finally, Group Employment Skills helps participants build their skills and learn how to successfully find employment.
Assistive Technology is divided into 3 areas: i) Makers Making Changes connects makers to people with disabilities who need assistive technologies; ii) Solutions provides ergonomic and assistive technology assessments for home, school, or the office for individuals with physical and other disabilities; and, iii) Hearing Solutions is dedicated to the prevention and treatment of hearing loss.
Following her presentation on the Neil Squire Society, Nikki Langdon shared with us her journey with mental illness and the challenges she faced and endured in this struggle. Nikki wrote her story and published it a book titled SHADES. Her book is available on Amazon online, Indigo online, in Indigo in Regina, at Awarehouse Regina (her "fav as local") and Quill and Ink in Emerald Park (also local).
Thank you Nikki Langdon for spending your lunch hour with Regina Eastview.
"SHADES" by Author Niki Langdon
This arrived from ShelterBox this morning. (PHP)
"Earlier this week, tents arrived in country on a free flight from Turkish Airlines. We also have blankets and warm winter clothing for children being prepared for distribution. Night time temperatures continue to dip below freezing so these items will help protect from icy conditions.
We have a team stationed in Gaziantep,Türkiye right now working through logistical challenges and working alongside local authorities, partners, and Rotary contacts. Being in country allows us to be more agile with our response and work more closely with these partners.
ShelterBox Supplies on the Ground in Turkey
"This is a hugely complex humanitarian response. Getting aid into Türkiye and Syria is complicated, but we are used to working in challenging environments and are determined to overcome every hurdle to make sure people get the help they need. Being in country allows us to be more agile and tackle these challenges to get aid to those who need us most
Thank you so much for the role you have played in making this all possible. We truly couldn't accomplish this without your support.
JoAnna Black"
Family of Rotary
Peter Neufeldt, on behalf of himself and the dedicated and committed Co-Coordinator, Doreen Pankewich, and a success focused Valentine GALA Organizing Committee, was pleased to report on a successful Valentine GALA 2023;
He acknowledged the hard work and great support from a dedicated Team which included: the alreay mentioned Co-Coordinator Doreen Pankewich; President Jeff Barber; Kevin Hays, Ann Grahame and Pall Agarwal who shared their Marketing skills, ability and time and did the Social Media work; Ted Kent, who headed up seeking out sponsors; Pat Dell, who led the on-line Silent Auction posting photos of Prizes and tracking bids; Allen Hillsden for his ability to generate Silent Auction prizes, prize collection, and interacting with donors and supporters; a "Tip of the Hat" to Justin and the Staff at The Rotisserie for preparing and packaging the meals; applause for Shannon Windrim, for coordinating the team of Eastview persons who delivered meals to hunger Valentine dinner purchasers; and, finally a big "shout out" to Richard Schwan and Affinity Credit Union for being Title Sponsor of Valentine GALA 2023.
On Tuesday, February 7, 2023, Sam Berg, Chair of the Community Services Sub-Committee and Ann Grahame, presented a cheque for $1,500.00 to Kate Scheurwater, at Regina Public Library, Main Branch. In the spirit of reconciliation, this donation is to help defray costs associated with holding the weekly Smudging Ceremony in the Community Commons.
(L to R) Ann Grahame, Kate Scheurwater & Sam Berg
Staying on the topic of Valentine GALA 2023 for a moment, the function raised something in the order of $16,000, which is a credit to the GALA Team and our gracious sponsors and prize donors in the community -THANK YOU ALL;
CONGRATULATIONS to Florence Driedger the GALA's 50/50 winner and took home the grand sum of $1,025.00 - thanks to all the ticket purchasers;
Vic Wiebe was the Sergeant and worked hard at being a "loving person" coming off a Valentine GALA Weekend celebration, but it seemed to those watching, listening and being fined that "loving" has cost component;
If you owned up and admitted spending loving time with a family member it cost $1.00, if you did not admit to doing so it cost $2.00;
If you knew something about "free Agency" in the CFL you might be recognized for being wise or more likely unwise either way there was a cost attached - there was some grace shown to those who knew stuff about the game and the players signed;
The fact that the Regina Pats have a heritage that goes back to the Princess Patricia Light Infantry Brigade and World War I was enlightening;
Good job, Vic!
A big "happy dollar" came from Shreedhar Jachak who told us their Granddaughter has advised there is a 5th great grandchild coming into the family later this year - more excitement in the Jachak family;
Wishing you all a great weekend and fabulous Family Day on Monday - see you at the Delta next week.
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"If you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain..."Dolly Parton
"All you need is love but now and then a little chocolate doesn't hurt either." Charles Schultz
Today's guests
Our guests and visitors consisted of Guest Speaker Nikki Langdon and our always appreciated visiting Rotarian Doug Keam, form the RC of Regina. Thank you both for adding to our day.
Turkey and Syria were struck by a devastating earthquake on 6 February that has killed tens of thousands of people, destroyed thousands of homes and other structures, and left people across the region without shelter in bitterly cold winter weather. The Rotary world responded to this catastrophe immediately. Rotary leadership has activated our disaster response efforts, communicated with the affected districts, and encouraged governors in those regions to apply for disaster response grants. In addition, our project partner ShelterBox and service partner Habitat for Humanity are working on their responses. Find out how you can have the greatest impact.