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  • Jan  16 – 4:00 to 6:00 P.M. Souls Harbor Dinner Service;
  • Jan. 23 – In-person Rotary Luncheon at the Delta – Hosted by Regina Eastview - Guest Speaker Janine Walde, Assistant Executive Director Mackenzie Infant Care Centre;
  • Jan 30 - Fellowship Event - more information coming soon - like later today, maybe;
  • Feb. 3 - In-person Rotary Luncheon at the Delta – Hosted by the Regina Club - Guest Speaker.
    Stick-handling the meeting from Fairmont Hot Springs, President Al Hoeft called Rotarians gathered for the Regina Eastview ZOOM meeting to order at 12:05 P.M., and welcomed visitors and members to this “spring like” gathering. Following the sharing of the Club’s Land Acknowledgement, President Al, reminded us that we are all Treaty People. He noted Rotary’s historical peace and world understanding stance, undergirds a Rotarians commitment to living in harmony with the people who welcomed us to this land.
    President Al introduced our Guest Speaker Craig Stokke, a member of the Rotary Club of Calgary Stampede Park, and a member of the 2025 Rotary International Convention Committee. Craig shared with us some of the exciting events and components planned for 2025 reinforces the international sense that Calgary, Alberta hosted the most memorable RI Convention in 1996 and that the current planning is set on a trajectory that 2025 RI convention will trump this previous experience. Craig set the stage by suggesting that as a traditional Grey Cup attendee, Grey Cup Festivities in Regina out-match other major Canadian Grey Cup host cities like Toronto, Montreal or Vancouver, because of their volunteer commitment to make it the best and so it is with Calgary and RI Conventions. Rotary International recommends that Host Cities ensure that the Convention Host Committee is supported by at least 400 Volunteers, Calgary’s Host Committee has a Goal of 1500 volunteers.
    So what can we expect at the 2025 RI Convention in Calgary? Be ready for a kick-off Grandstand Spectacular. You’ll hear from inspiring and entertaining speakers, including organizational top leaders in Rotary from around the world. Informative breakout sessions will help Clubs and Districts build on their communication, leadership, and project management skills. There will be Project Booths where Clubs can search out support for new projects. There are opportunities to network and exchange ideas while browsing the project and fellowship booths in the House of Friendship. Attendees will be inspired by entertainment provided by local artists like Rock the Nation and other musicians in the House of Friendship and during general sessions. There will be a story of Canadian Music from the 1940’s to the present time. There is an Indigenous component and a retail component and cost free commuter train transportation between your hotel and the convention venue (just show your Convention registration Badge), if you booked your hotel through Rotary’s official housing partner.
    We learned that current registration from 160 countries stands at 15,000, with another 12,000 registrations where the fees are still outstanding. The Registration fee from now until March 31, 2025 is $650.00, when the price increases by $100.00.
    Calgary 2025 is about having an amazing experience of connecting communities and building lasting friendships. Calgary’s Host and Hospitality opportunities will range from intimate home visits, to larger Club hosted functions. Other experiential events include a Stampede Breakfast; Rope Square Experience and Beer Gardens. If you have an interest in volunteering at the event please let them know and you will be trained to fill in for a 4 hour shift. There is still time to participate in this fantastic international Rotary experience – do it now!
    President Al expressed our appreciation to Craig Stokke for his enthusiastic overview of this best of Rotary experiences.  
Join us virtually on 22 January for the webinar titled Get the Most out of Rotary’s Learning Center. The Learning Center is your source for learning, whether you’re a new member who wants to explore what Rotary offers, a Rotary leader completing essential courses for a role, or a participant in a Rotary program seeking to enhance your leadership skills. 

The Learning Center is customized for you according to your membership status, your language, and your role in Rotary. Access it by signing in to My Rotary. The courses and learning plans in the Learning Center provide up-to-date information about Rotary policies and practices.
Anyone who wants to learn more about the courses, how they are organized, and how to use the Learning Center may join the webinar. This virtual briefing will be offered in English with interpretation in Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, and Spanish.
Time: 10:00 A.M. Chicago time – to Register go to:
  • It is unfortuante that the ROTOR is so late in sharing an important aspect celebrated at Regina Eastview's Christmas Dinner at the Italian Club December 5, 2024. The Rotary Club of Regina Eastview presented Lynne and Gerald Bayne with a Certificate of Appreciation for their support of our Club’s involvement in the Ripple Effect Program in Guatemala.  The Bayne's, who are friends of Ron and Mary Okumura, were the Okumura's Guests at Regina Eastview's Valentine GALA some years ago where the Ripple Effect Program was highlighted as our Club's Signature International Service Project. The story of the positive impact this basic education and literacy program was having on the children in Guatemala, so touched the heart of Educator Lynne, that the program became a Bayne "charity of choice". Regina Eastview is appreciative of the Bayne's assistance in, "changing lives through enhanced educational opportunities for childen living in challenging environments in Guatemala".  Thank you, Lynne and Gerald.
(L to R) President Al Hoeft, Lynne Bayne, Gerald Bayne and Ron Okumura
  • It was great to have 20 Rotarians on today's ZOOM meeting;
  • President Al drew attention to January Birthdays for Eastview members which included Jack Wozniak who celebrated earlier in the month, Ann Grahame who celebrated on the 13, and Barry Strohan who will be kicking up his heels (gently of course) on the 30th;
  • Ann was delighted to tell us that her family from Calgary came for Birthday partying, the Regina family partied, and  there have  been friend Birthday parties and more to come next week - Ann attributed the extended partying on the notable year being celebrated;
  • Peter Peters celebrated the work of the Rotary partners in Canada and Guatemala who received approval of the Guate III Computer Project which will impact 16 schools in Guatemala;
  • Peter Neufeldt was excited that their daughter's family (includes Grandsons, aged 12 and 14) from Ontario, were in Regina and they went to Mission Ridge to ski - it was a grand time;
  • Thank you all for making this a great Rotary day;
  • Hope to see many of you at next week's in-person meeting at the Delta;
  • Have a wonderful and safe week.
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Philosopher's Corner

“Human happiness and moral duty are inseparably connected.”
                           George Washington

Today's guests

We welcomed Craig Stokke, our meeting's  guest speaker
along with Bob Durston R.C. of Neepawa, and Doug Keam, Joanna Alexander and Adewale Adeyemo from the RC of Regina. Great to see you all.

Next Meeting Responsibilities

In Person at the Delta &
with President Elect Jayna Amadasun guiding our
conversation and activities
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