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  • Meetings at Eastview: Sept. 11--In person, Regina Club hosting at the Delta; Sept. 14--NO MEETING; Sept. 21--ZOOM meeting; Sept. 28--In person Eastview hosting at the Delta.


President Al welcomed everyone to the meeting.  Following the land acknowledgement he invited Ann Grahame to introduce guest speaker, Ally Buck.
Ally is the new Rotary and Fundraising Coordinator for ShelterBox Canada.  Ally is from rural Nova Scotia and is of mixed settler and M'kMaq indigenous background.  She attended N.S. Community College where she studied Social Services and Community Development before moving to Kingston and attending Queen's University where she graduated with a degree in Global Development Studies.  Ally is married and has 4 cats. Immediately one recognized Ally's enthusiasm for Shelter Box. ShelterBox philosophy is that everyone should live in a safe place able to sleep and cook their food, recover from the disaster and prepare to move forward.  This is a basic human right.  Some years ago Rotary International became a partner with ShelterBox.  John Hewko, General Secretary and CEO of Rotary International said: "Through the partnership with ShelterBox, Rotary members around the globe can collaborate with ShelterBox to support communities in desperate need of emergency temporary shelter and vital supplies following natural disasters."
Ally spoke about prepositioned aid in various countries of the world to facilitate a rapid response following a natural disaster.  This saves valuable time and expense getting help to those in immediate need.  Also to meet this goal ShelterBox tries to procure aid globally and purchase in areas close to the disaster which provides supplies appropriate for the affected area and supports the local economy.
The ShelterBox tent can withstand 120 km winds and can sit on ground in monsoon areas. 
A tool kit is usually supplied in the ShelterBox to prepare an area for the tent.  Over 80% of responses feature Rotary involvement.  Rotarians close to the disaster area can communicate information to governments and assist in the distribution of tents.  Thank you Ally for the update.  ShelterBox organization is fortunate to have you.
Ally Buck from ShelterBox
Ann Grahame told a story about ShelterBox.  At a District Conference in Winnipeg several years ago where she was managing the ShelterBox display, she encountered a young man who had survived a disaster in another part of the world.  He studied the tent and told her that "he had lived in one of these for 8 months."  He was grateful for ShelterBox.
Another story from Peter Peters at an institute meeting in London, introduced Ron Noseworthy, already heavily involved with ShelterBox to RI Vice President Monty Audenart,the idea of ShelterBox partnering with Rotary. The idea was well received and so the partnership came to be.   
Bob Durston reported that 3 Rotarians from his Neepawa club took the ShelterBox to Ryla camp and displayed it for the students.  
Thank you Rotarians for your stories and thanks again Ally.
Mother and Child in Shelterbox tent
The Family of Rotary
  • Happy belated Birthday to Jeanne Alexander on Sept. 2.  We are thinking of you Jeanne and wish you a return to good health.
  • Clarence and Donelda celebrated their 58th wedding anniversary on Monday this week.
  • Jeff and Nancy celebrated their 40th anniversary.  Congratulations to all of you on these important milestones. 
ShelterBox at the recent all-clubs barbecue in Rotary Park for the re-dedication of the Peace Pole.
  • President Al called for Happy bucks and told us of his vacation in Prince George B.C. where they used to live and enjoyed meeting old friends.
  • Jeff and Nancy spent the long weekend visiting Grasslands National Park.
  • Peter Peters reported he had visited East Grasslands.  This week daughter Pamela, and granddaughter visited, much to Peter and Margaret's delight.
  • Allen Hillsden was absent today--too bad--we wanted to discuss the Labour Day Classic with him!
  • Gail reported that she was just happy.
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Philosopher's Corner

From Jimmy Buffet--'If life gives you limes, make margaritas."   and.....
From Walt Disney--"The difference between winning and losing is most often not quitting."                                

Today's guests

Bob Durston: R.C. of Neepawa
Doug Keam:  R.C. of Regina

Next Meeting Responsibilities

Host:  R.C. of Regina--Hybrid meeting Sept. 11 at the Delta Hotel. 
No Eastview meeting next week
Next meeting at Eastview on ZOOM -- Sept 21
Sep 07, 2023 12:00 PM
Shelterbox Canada
Sep 11, 2023 12:00 PM
Sep 14, 2023
View entire list
On a monthly basis Gail, as Club Rotary Foundation Chair, will provide a brief moment about the Rotary Foundation.  Today we started with the Founder of the Rotary Foundation.
Arch Klumph was born in Pennsylvania in1869.  Later his family moved to Cleveland, Ohio, where he would become a founding member of the Rotary Club of Cleveland in 1911. He became club president in 1913, and was elected to serve as Rotary’s president for 1916-17. Near the end of his term, at the 1917 Rotary Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, he reminded Rotarians that “Rotary is at the present time entering a new era, demanding improved methods in administrative machinery, with which to carry out the splendid principles which have been laid down heretofore.” He defined six points of action, including the establishment of an endowment, which would later become The Rotary Foundation:
Klumph died  June 1951 at age 82, but his influence lives on through The Foundation.  More next month.....
And of course, as it was then so it is today that Rotarians open their hearts and wallets and contribute to the Foundation.
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