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  • Oct. 29 - Final Christmas Ham order to John Van Koll;
  • Remember, November Rotary Foundation Month;
  • Nov. 2 - 12:00 Noon ZOOM meeting will be a Rotary Foundation presentation by District 5560 PDG Dan Doherty (Super Presenter) - RC of Calgary East;
  • Nov. 6 - Hybrid Meeting with in-person gathering at the Delta, hosted by the Regina Club;
  • Dec. 5 - Forenoon - Christmas Ham packing and delivery morning;
  • Dec. 7 - Joint 4 Regina Rotary Clubs Christmas Celebration at the Italian Club - Tickets $70.00 - other details coming;
  • Ann Grahame is looking for Gifts of Warmth for the Canadian Mental Health Association Regina Branch, client Christmas Banquet - Ann's instructions will be circulated by a separate e-mail.
    President Al Hoeft, welcomed the masses at 12:05 and invited attendees to the buffet table, which was achieved with enthusiasm. Post dinner, Allen Hillsden was absent and we appreciated Gilda Treleaven Graham leading us in O’ Canada.
    Although a departure from our recent in-person meetings, President Al, mindful of the "anti-peace" activities in the world (Israel/Palestine; Russia/Ukraine. Etc.), led in sharing the Prayer of St. Francis as our gathering Invocation.
    Jeanne Alexander was called on to introduce our Guest Speaker William (Bill) Schroeder, and this is what we learned about Bill:
  • devoted his career to trees, being a scientist at the Agroforestry Development Centre in Indian Head for 35 years;
  • He is a recognized world leader in research related to breeding new woody plants for shelterbelts, and his research can be seen in the thousands of shelterbelts planted throughout western Canada;
  • In retirement, he has not strayed from his passion for trees, starting Green Tree Agroforestry Solutions, he provides tree advice to farmers and homeowners;
  • Writing about trees is his other passion - in 2019 he published The Trees of Indian Head; and,
  • When not doing "tree stuff", Bill and wife Janice, spend as much time as possible with their grandchildren.
    Bill suggested that perspective is everything and is important when talking to farmers about their trees, he is seen as the expert and he works hard to let the farmer down. From his conversations with farmers, he has learned that the never forgotten farming experience was when they planned their trees. The first thing farmers did when they arrived on the prairies in the early 1900's was to build the sod house, which was immediately followed by the planting of the shelterbelt. Bill observed that 1,000's of settlers were wowed to the prairies not "by what was", but more appropriately by "what would be".
    Bill told us about Norman MacKenzie Ross, who at the age of 17 came to a community near Indian Head in 1893, and was hired by a framer to break sod with a plow pulled by oxen. This 2 month experience led the lad into Indian Head and a tree farm, then tree education and back to Saskatchewan where he was hired as the first "Forrester" hired by the Government of Canada. Norman's Scottish / English military heritage provided him with an approach an attitude which provided clear direction to take advantage of the less forceful European communities in the region. Mr. Ross retired in 1941.
    On October 11, 2012 the staff were called into the office where they learned that after operating 110 years, the Indian Head Tree Farm Program was being closed. Over these years the farm distributed 600 million trees - enough to  circle the earth 27 times (if spaced correctly). This Program was successful because it was an appreciated collaboration between the tree farm and farmers.
    Bill concluded his presentation with this observation, "History matters - it tells us where we were, and sets the course for where we are going."
Thank you, Bill Schroeder, you have become a favorite tree resource and story teller.
Author William (Bill) Schroeder
Today's Invocation
The Prayer of St. Francis
May It Be So!
The Family of Rotary
  • This morning Rotarians in District 5550 learned of the passing of Cliff Rose, a member of the Nipawin Passport (Rotary) Club.  While many Rotarians did not know him, Cliff was an inspirational member and District 5550's first Club to Host an International Service Project - District 4250 (Guatemala) was the International Sponsor.  This early childhood education initiative is in the final stages of "readiness" to roll out in the classrooms of two First Nation Communities North and East of Nipawin. Thank you Cliff, for investing your heart and soul in this historic undertaking.
  • A foundational Rotary pillar, is our historic commitment to “world understanding and peace”. Last week, PDG Peter Neufeldt participated in the Peace Rally in Regina’s Victoria Park, where “waging peace” in the world was the emphasis, with the 75 year war between Israel & Palestine being front of mind. On page 1 of November’s Rotary, RI President Gordon McInally speaks about, The road to peace, indicating, “Peace must be waged persistently; it is the soil where hope takes root”. Let us work to this end".
  • An appreciated Fund Raising Dinner was held at Lee’s Chop Suey on World Polio Day last Tuesday. 38 individuals gathered to fellowship and learn, while dining in fine style to a served multi-plate Chinese dinner by Lee’s competent staff. Top marks to Toshi Shinmura, Eastview’s PolioPlus Coordinator and his wife Linda for organizing and hosting the event.
(R to L) Toshi Shinmura, his wife Linda,
Mary Okumura, her Husband Ron
  • Pat Dell was presnt and served as Sergeant, a foriegn role;
  • We were reminded the importance of name tags;
  • With a little prompting Charles Sadzamare knew that 2 days ago was World Polio Day;
  • Toshi expressed his appreciation for the significant financial support for and participation in the World Polio Day event -  $1,100.00 was raised which will be combined with the Club's $1,500.00 budget allocation and forwarded to The Foundation;
  • President Al, erred in not having the order of business correct;
  • Richard Taylor has been away for a time and thought he owed money - which was not disputed;
  •  Doreen was happy to tell us she has mastered a new accounting system re-delighted that her brain is on par with her more youthful self;Gary Carlson was happy to tell us that he and Jessie celebrated their 62 Weding Anniversary on October 7;
  • Past President George just attended Queens Universiity, where 55 years ago, he acquired his Medical degree and they still look the very same;
  • John Van Koll was back after an absence of some months recovering from health callenges - wonderful to have you back, John;
  • Hope to see you all next week on ZOOM.
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Philosopher's Corner

"Halloween is not only about putting on a costume, but it is about finding the imagination and costume in ourselves."
                      Author Unknown  

Today's guests

We were pleased to welcome Guest Speaker Bill Schroeder to our meeting along with Brendon, Peter Neufeldt's Guest. Thank you for adding to our Rotary day!

Next Meeting Responsibilities

Host: Hans Gaastra
Moderator: President
Al Hoeft
Oct 26, 2023 12:00 PM
Nov 02, 2023 12:00 PM
Nov 06, 2023 12:00 PM
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(L to R)
Peter, Brendon, Ian, Ian and Joanne
One of today's "special tables"
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