

This Rotor can also be found on the FRONT PAGE OF OUR WEBSITE,
on the right side (where it used to be).
  • Remember June is Rotary Fellowships Month in Rotary and you can find important Rotary Fellowship information on My Rotary;
  • June 22, 12 noon is a regular in-person meeting at the Delta which Regina Eastview will host;
  • June 29, is Regina Eastview's 2022-2023 wind-up meeting and will be packed with important information and always great ZOOM Fellowship;
  • No meeting July 6, in favour of the July 7 East-view Golf Tournament and dinner at Tor Hill;
  • In the event you missed the special viewing of the Rotary People of Action: Champions of Inclusion, celebration on June 10th, please know it will be available on demand until 30 September 2023. This celebration of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) helps us imagine what’s possible when People of Action come together to amplify the power of marginalized populations locally and globally;
  • RI General Secretary, John Hewko’s Report to Melbourne Convention at: 2022- 23 Report to Convention - Learn about what Rotary accomplished this past year;
  • Proud to be a Rotarian!


    It was Club Changeover Meeting, that meeting of the year where the current Club President, and the leadership Team of officers, Directors and Committee Chairs are recognized and thanked for their service. This year's event took place at the Royal Regina Golf Course with Pat Dell serving as the formal MC.
    After an appropriate "social adjustment hour", Pat gently welcomed us to this annual celebration and called on Allen Hillsden to lead us in our National Anthem, which he did with his usual Hillsden style - whether the folks in the bar stood while we sang was not noted, but it was worthy of rising to your feet.
President Jeff Barber led us in our Land Acknowledgement statement. Karen Hoeft, shared a thoughtful invocation and grace for the blessings and gifts we receive so we can continue to "do good in the world". With that the Royal Regina Staff did a commendable job of serving the meal.
    Before the dessert was served, MC Pat invited President Jeff to introduce his 2022-2023 Team. In his comments President Jeff spoke about his focus on involving more members in meeting opportunities, in our Club's post-COVID transition a new normal. A transition which included inviting different members to share "words of wisdom", being Sergeant-At-Arms, and with the re-introduction of in-person meetings opportunities to be "Greeter", serve at the registration table, manage the 50/50 draw and thanked Peter Neufeldt for providing equipment and critical tech assistance to ensure those joining by ZOOM had a meaningful and appreciated Rotary experience.
    He paid tribute to Donna Parry for her service as Program Co-ordinator in the early part of the year and to Jeanne Alexander for assuming the role in the last half of the year particularly for bringing quality presenters on interesting and helpful topics to our weekly meetings. Jeff acknowledged the important PR and Public Image support provided by Ann Grahame and the youthful Pall Agarwal. He expressed the Club’s appreciation for the work of Project Committees in creating impactful initiatives through Community and International projects, and with and for youth in our community and around the world. This work is a credit to the leadership provided by Sam Berg, Hans Gaastra and Jack Wozniak and Al Hoeft respectively.       
    The collective commitment of John Van Koll, Pat Dell and Allen Hillsden in the raising of funds through the Golf Tournament, Valentine GALA and Christmas Ham sales set the stage for us being able to undertake these projects. Jeff expressed appreciation for our member commitment to supporting The Rotary Foundation remains a consistent member focus in response to encouragement provided by CRFC Gail Bradley. The key to the success of a Rotary Club has to do with members and their commitment to member recruitment and retention, a responsibility headed by John Van Koll, but a responsibility each member shares.
    Jeff concluded his comments by acknowledging with gratitude the commitment Fred Wright had to his role as District Governor in aiding and encouraging Clubs to Imagine Rotary in a post-COVID world where we can use the learning of isolation to make Rotary ever better.
    As a near final act of his Presidency, Jeff Barber presented President Elect, Al Hoeft with the Club President Pin, noting "presidential authority" is not transferred until midnight on June 30, 2023 - on the basis of this understanding, Al Hoeft accepted the pinned token.
Al Hoeft Presents Jeff Barber with an engraved Presidential Gavel
A 2022-2023 Rotary Remembrance
President Jeff introduced Al Hoeft whose 2 year membership in Regina Eastview was preceded by membership in five (5) Rotary Clubs before joining Eastview.
    Al and Karen Hoeft are Salvation Army Officers. In chatting with Al before the meeting, I suggested the Rotary International Theme, Create Hope in the World, selected by RI President Gordon McInally for the Rotary Year 2023-2024, was one he would appreciate. Al nodded wistfully and mussed, "I can probably work with it". Yes, I guess so.
    The first thing we learned from President Elect Al is that the Salvation Army Slogan in Canada is, "Giving Hope Today". Al's initial observation this evening was that "giving" or "creating" HOPE is a thing Rotary has been doing from its beginning 118 years ago. The focus on creating peace and helping achieve lasting peace has been at the centre over Rotary's history and in Regina Eastview's history from its 1959 beginning. Al suggested we   make a peaceful world by making a peaceful home and expanding the peaceful home to our community. He reminded us, that in Regina we have four Rotary Clubs working in unique ways to bring the principles of peace to our community. We can learn from each other how this can be improved. He indicated that for the past year RI President Jennifer Jones has challenged us to Imagine Rotary, and what Rotarians have the opportunity to create. Now we have the opportunity to grab hold of RI President Gordon's Theme and make those Images into the "Hope" the world seeks.
M.C. Pat Dell presented Karen Hoeft with a Bouquet:
For Lending Al to Regina Eastview During 2023-2024!
    Let us join RI President Gordon and Regina Eastview President Al Hoeft "Create Hope in the World".
The Family of Rotary
  • Jonathan B. Majiyagbe (left) who died 27 May at a hospital in Abuja, Nigeria, served as Rotary International president in 2003-04. He was the first and so far the only RI president from Africa. The continent was declared free of wild polio in August 2020, due in part to his tireless advocacy and efforts;
  • Another proud moment for Regina Eastview as President Jeff presented Ann Grahame with a Paul Harris Fellow + 2 pin, at the Changeover meeting - Congratulations, Ann Grahame for your continuing commitment to The Rotary Foundation.
President Jeff Barber & Ann Grahame (PHF + 2)
  • High 5 to the 17 Regina Eastview members (11 were Past Presidents), 11 partners and one guest who participated in this celebration
  • It was an enjoyable time of fellowship, fun, and the best of food;
  • A correction on the "Guest List" which really has to do with this "Rotary Family" thing;
  •  There was another "guest" who wandered by and was greeted warmly at each table - Jim Powell, former member and obviously a golfer, just off the course, chatted at each table and renewed aquaintances;
  • Time to rejoin Regina Eastview, Jim, The WELCOME mat is out;
  • Apologies for the late ROTOR - Life and Father's day got in the way;
  • Hope to see you next week at the Delta
  • Have a wonder filled week.
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Philosopher's Corner

“The saddest aspect of life right now is that science gathers knowledge faster than society gathers wisdom.”
                Isaac Asmov (1920-1992)

Today's guests

It was Rotary members and their partners who collectively welcomed former member, Vicki Radons.

Next Meeting Responsibilities

Joint Meeting with Rotary Club of Regina:
President Jeff Barber
The Eastview's Hybrid Team
In-person at the Delta Hotel
Meeting Access Via ZOOM.
Jun 22, 2023 12:00 PM
Tiny Houses
Jun 29, 2023 12:00 PM
Saskatchewan Cancer Foundation - Breast Cancer Screening Bus
Jul 06, 2023
View entire list
Board of Directors Meeting
Jul 13, 2023 5:15 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
Aug 10, 2023 5:15 PM
View entire list
Rotary Links
Rotary International
RI President Home
Rotary Global Rewards
Joining Rotary
Rotary History
Rotary Foundation
For New Members
Jonathan B. Majiyagbe
RI President 2003-2004
Led with the Theme:
"Lend a Hand!"
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