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  • Peter Neufeldt and Doreen Pankewich have again taken on the leadership of the 'Gala at Home' fundraiser.  It will be held Feb. 11 & 12.  The Rotisserie will again prepare the same menu items at the same price.  A silent auction and 50/50 will also be featured.  Thank you to Peter N. and Doreen for your generous offer to lead this event.
  • Al Hoeft has agreed to assume the role of President Elect this year (2022-23) replacing Richard Schwan who is unable to continue.  Thank you Al.
  • Richard Heslop has applied for membership in Eastview.  Members having any concerns should contact John Van Koll or President Jeff within the next 7 days.
  • Jeff Barber, Pat Dell, John Van Koll and Al Hoeft will be discussing Board & Committee nominations for the 2023-24 Rotary Year.
  • Upcoming meetings: Board meeting January 12 at 5-15pm on zoom-Board members notify Allen Hillsden with agenda items; Community Services breakfast meeting tomorrow morning; ISC meeting Jan. 10 at 7-00pm on zoom.  New members welcome--contact Hans or Peter Peters. 


Following a warm welcome back to members after the holiday break and land acknowledgement by President Jeff, Jeanne introduced guest speaker Jessica from Munch catering. We were fortunate to hear about Munch, a non profit catering business with the mission to provide food service training and employment opportunities for adults with cognitive disabilities.
The catering service has seen exponential growth since it began in February 2016.  Regular clientele includes, Crown corporation staff, various levels of government, many reputable business and individuals in the city.  Munch now has 5 catering assistants.  They are moving to the Sask Abilities building and catering will resume January 16. A longer term vision includes a cafe with a goal to open in April.  The menu includes, soups, sandwiches, wraps, baking and hot options.  Staff are taught 'from farm to table' with all items made from scratch.  More information at
Jessica Burns with Munch Catering
Further plans for Munch include a drive through. It is hoped to include seniors centers in the future.  A frozen menu is available.  Selection of employees is made from various sources and the interview process is intensive.  There is follow up of people, in 6 months to 2 years, trained by Munch who find employment with other businesses.  Munch's goal is to ensure that everyone is happy with a disabled person with cognitive disabilities. 
Thank you Jessica.  This service is unique to our city.  It is a wonderful, worthwhile service.  We appreciate hearing your story.
Sam Berg, from Community Services Committee presents a cheque for $1000 to Sue from CMHA for their Christmas Gifts of Warmth Project
  • Sadly Kathy Chlopan has passed away.  Kathy, was the wife of Carroll Chlopan, long time member of Regina Eastview.  The Chlopans contributed a great deal to the life of Eastview.  Our condolences go out to the Chlopan family.
  • See the following from Richard Schwan: I participated in the “Swinging with the Stars” fundraising event for Hopes Home in October.  I just received a copy of the video of my interview and dance segment. Because so many Rotarians generously donated to this cause, I thought I’d share the video:  
  • The exciting event on Friday Oct 21 was well-attended and whole lot of fun! Sydney and I were awarded the “People’s Choice Award”, and more importantly, we were able to raise nearly $30,000 – the highest amount of any dance team – for such an amazing organization.
Richard and Sydney danced for Hope's Home raising nearly $30,000.  Congratulations for your time and effort towards such a worthy cause.  Thank you for sharing, Richard.
  • President Jeff was Sergeant today and promptly fined himself--all for a good cause.  It was a day for many happy bucks: Jeanne was happy to have booked guest speakers for the January meetings; Allen Hillsden saw Leo Ell who asked to be remembered to club members; Doug & Leslie enjoyed Christmas in Ottawa with daughters Andrea, Cathy and families and post Christmas with Mike and family here in Regina; Ann reported on a neighbour who was storm-stayed in Calgary while at home her cats held a wild party.  On opening the curtains, a coyote had settled in front of the window for a nap.  A call to Wild Life Conservation & Animal Protection brought a capable employee to skillfully net the coyote and remove him to the country.  Ann had great praise for the officer; Shreedhar & Shashikala were driven to Saskatoon by their son for a Christmas celebration at their daughter's with 29 people including 4 great grandchildren; Jeanne announced that the Life Long Learning Center (U of R) holds Thursday noon hour forums from 1-30 to 2-30 PM on various topics.  Check out programs at
  • Zarin will be leaving tomorrow again for 3 months away hoping to miss cold weather.  Hope you can zoom in, Zarin.
  • Gary and Jessie celebrated with their family all home for Christmas except 1 grandson and report a good time was had by all. At the time of the meeting Jessie was taking down Christmas decorations.
  • Al Hoeft had family home for Christmas--cancelled flights, car pooling and travel home to Winnipeg with a transport driver were involved.  Son and 2 grandsons also were part of the busy celebration which left Al resting following the visit.
  • Jeff was happy to have a relaxing time at home with family.  He also noted that pyjama pants are a wonderful invention--it's the little things that matter!
  • That is it for this week. Hope those New Year's resolutions are having a positive effect.
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Philosopher's Corner

"I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die, for the harder I work the more I live."
                George Bernard Shaw

Today's guests

Jessica Burns, guest speaker
Doug Keam-R.C. of Regina
Richard Heslop-Prospective member
Jessie Carlson

Next Meeting Responsibilities

Host Hans Gaastra
Moderator: Jeff Barber
Jan 05, 2023 12:00 PM
Munch Catering
Jan 12, 2023 12:00 PM
Mother Teresa Middle School
Jan 19, 2023 12:00 PM
U of R, Lifelong Learning Centre
View entire list
Board of Directors Meeting
Jan 12, 2023 5:15 PM
Board of Directors Meeting
Feb 09, 2023 5:15 PM
View entire list
The work of the Rotary Foundation continues making an incredible difference  globally in so many lives thanks to Rotarians everywhere.
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"The bad news is time flies.  The good news is you're the pilot."
                                  Michael Altshuler
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