This program is held at the end of November during the internationally acclaimed Canadian Western Agribition Livestock Show and Sale in Regina. Students from across Canada have the opportunity to visit Agribition, tour major agriculture based industries, and participate in networking and information sessions conducted by agriculture industry professionals and business leaders. The program is designed to broaden knowledge and understanding of the multi-faceted agricultural sector, environmental issues, and the challenge of providing food for the world. 



Adventures in Agriculture couldn't operate without our incredible sponsors!


Thank you Sponsors!

This program is for students who:
  • Are entering Grades 11 and 12 in September 2024 and have an enthusiasm for learning about agriculture & it's varied career opportunities.
  • Are recommended by their school and sponsored by a participating Rotary Club
  • Have the ability to prepare speeches, speak in public and respectfully debate issues and agree to be available for local publicity.
  • Have a willingness to report to their school's student body about Rotary.
  • Have the personal skills necessary to participate well in a group including a behavioural maturity.
Deadline for application is November 5, 2024.

Rotary Club Responsibilities

  • Promote the program in your area, marketing materials are available by clicking the link below
  • Assist students in the application process
  • Pay the per student registration fee
  • Arrange and cover the cost of the student’s transportation to and from Regina
  • Final selection and approval of school-recommended student who will attend
  • Maintain communication with students and their schools
Rotary Clubs are encouraged to reserve spaces early in the fall and an online form will be available on this website in September.
Thank you for considering becoming a corporate sponsor for our Adventures in Agriculture Program. The Rotary Club of Regina Eastview is honored by the support this program has received for over 25 years. We have had several loyal sponsors and we want to make sure that your corporate values and needs are satisfied within our partnership. Please feel free to browse our sponsorship package located below, but we'd love to hear from you! Sometimes it's great to just explore the possibilities with a potential sponsorship, so don't be shy! Complete the contact form below and we will get in touch with you as soon as we can.
Contact our Adventures in Agriculture Team
Enter your email address and the message you want to send.
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